Sunday, October 16, 2011



I have always been very curious and restless about the uncertain element that human life has to offer. My quest in understanding the complexities of this scenario brought forth many interesting and diverse perspectives. Like the old adage goes "One does tend to get wiser with age" (although age truly is just a number), I think I now understand 5% more than what I did a decade ago.

This complexity now has a broader meaning in my encyclopedia. To a great extent, I now believe that this whole scenario is very simple. It is not complex in itself, it's we humans who have it all mixed up. In many ways, we have used our "so-called" intellect in converting the most lucid thing into a convoluted web.

My ever hyper active mind has always posed various questions many of which continue to be questions till this day. However, I have managed to quench this thirst of my mind with answers to many things that have ruffled its peace and serenity. One of the things that I never understood and honestly was oblivious too was regarding the so called "gray areas" in a human's life. I am a black and white person and what I think is what I speak. I prefer keeping things simple and am not a big fan of reading between the lines!!

Well, that's me and it took this ME about 30 years to understand that most humans around are big fans of gray areas :) Ahem!! Better late than never I guess.....
It's still quite puzzling and to a great degree amusing as well; that people would prefer leading a complicated life rather than a simple one that the Supreme Lord created in the first place.

A couple of observations that I find incredibly amusing:
  • Most folks are big fans of hierarchy....probably even conditioned to this weird thought process.
  • Most folks believe in transactional relationships. That probably explains why we come across a common thought in many books that quote, "it takes several years to build relations, takes a moment to have it destroyed"
Now a more detailed description
By hierarchy, I mean things that have already been in place and the way we are conditioned to follow it. Most of us go about doing things the way our parents did it or their parents did it blah blah. I believe that we are all connected to other humans through our past actions and every individual who appears in our life has a specific role to play. That holds true for everybody including our parents and siblings. Why then do we get caught in the web of prioritizing folks when we all are created equally? Just because somebody is born as our sibling or as one of our parents in this lifetime; why do we shove other humans somewhere in the back-burner? Kind of weird isn't it..........that's the gray area for me!!!!

Another extreme is the case of transactional relationships. Regardless of the infinite times one proves his / her loyalty and love to another human being; one misunderstanding / error creates huge crevices in the relationship. It does not even make logical sense. How can one fail to see or acknowledge the several occasions in the past that another human has been nice to them? Why do we give in to the urge of passing judgments based on an isolated incident? Again......a gray area per my dictionary.

I would love to introduce a person in my life as a kind hearted soul rather than be stuck with labels like brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles, aunt's......endless labels!! I believe a world that operates on utopian love would be a much better world than an entangled and variegated one!

1 comment:

  1. Nice one kanchana..I can relate to several instances in this blog!
