Sunday, October 16, 2011

Journey # ......

Salutations to my Master and Lord....

Ok folks I am back.....long awaited post I guess. I apologize for keeping a lot of people guessing as to how this new chapter of my life has been treating me so far!!
It has been exactly 10 days since I landed back home / back to my roots or whatever one may choose to call it. 

There are a lot of thoughts that seem to run parallel in my hyper active mind and I regret not having noted down the contents as and when it occurred. This blog would be a summary of those observations and in time I hope to add as much information as I can.

After having come back to this rocking city - Mumbai after almost 5 years, it was a pleasant culture shock! The progress that I see around is just mind boggling!! As much as I am impressed with the development, I do miss the quintessential features of the city that existed once upon a time. I believe that folks like me who are frozen in time can identify with this feeling.

There are some stark characteristics of the city that have not changed and I am grateful to see the existence of those old things. 

  • I loved seeing the cows on some of the streets :) (Have not seen goats as yet!!)
  • The concept of the "city never sleeps" still exists.
  • Considerate neighbors are still around
  • One never feels lonely in this city......each time you find yourself slipping into one of those dark memory lanes, all that you need to do is just step out and go for a walk. The sight of other souls around is quite motivational :) As Mark Twain said, "The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself". Vibrant cities and environment help in bringing that comfortable feeling. 
I am yet to take public transport here....will do so pretty soon. After abstaining from consuming junk food (another striking feature of this city) for about 5 days, I finally indulged in satisfying my palate with some mouth watering "vada pav". For the non mumbaites, vada pav is the Indian version of the vegetable burger. Rather, vegetable burger is a refined version of the original vada pav :))

For the first time in many years, I watched a movie at a local movie theater here. I shall upload the pictures soon. It was awesome, the sound quality was excellent and I was very impressed with the service extended during the intermission. The fact that the employees of the theater came in immediately after the screening to clean the place was another conspicuous feature.

I also witnessed the rough edges that co-exist in many dynamic and vibrant cities. Last evening as I was walking down a busy street with an old friend, I noticed a man lying by the curb completely drunk. It was quite heart rending to see the plight of this human lying totally oblivious of his surroundings and nobody to reach out. It was a reminder of the sombre side of society and human beings.

I also met one of my amazing professors from my college days. I am in complete awe of the way she continues to inspire student's day in and day out. Her love for fitness and karate is quite commendable as well :)

I am now all geared up on working towards my long awaited dream. Updates to be posted soon.

On that optimistic note, I end this blog. Adios for now, take care and ALmighty Bless!!

Additional banter & acknowledgements:
  1. Thanks mom for being the greatest inspiration in my life!!
  2. Thanks to my godparents for continuing to be my pillar of strength. Miss you folks
  3. can plan a trip to see me soon. I do not think the APA rules apply in this part of the world ;-)
  4. Special thanks to R's musings for having motivated me to kick-start my blogs again. 
  5. I am proud of my friends H & U for having adopted two adorable baby girls. Such noble acts re-enforce the goodness that exist on this planet.
  6. Love all my friends and well wishers for their continued support. I am lucky to have you all in my life

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